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Sasha Litvintseva: Films, Writing, Info


13 min / 2019 / in collaboration with Beny Wagner


An homage to Vilem Flusser’s text, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, the video employs the Klein Bottle as a form with which to inhabit the interstices between organisms and environments. The Klein bottle is a mathematical shape that, like the Möbius strip, merges interior and exterior, beginning and end. Here the form is simultaneously a leaky vessel and a projection surface for an array of found video material. Organisms and environments are mapped onto a single metabolic pathway where inside and outside continuously fold into each other in rhythmic pulsations.

Commissioned by Berlin Atonal 2019 for Projectsionraum section of the festival.

Exhibition list: 

Berlin Atonal, Germany, 2019

Centropia, Centrum, Berlin, 2020
Touch Me, Kontejner, Zagreb, Croatia, 2020

lengua(S), fluent gallery, Santander, Spain, 2020
Super Dacota gallery video feature, online, 2020

FRAC Ile-de-France, France, 2023

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As installed at Berlin Atonal, Germany, 2019 (photographs by Rebecca Crawford)

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